System and Website Info
Serial number 704K-AK44-QEQO-G6QU
Created Mon, 28 Sep 2020 10:51:31 GMT
Version 1.0.1
DB schema 1.0.2
History size
Imports size
Missing URLs None
SQLite version 3.7.17
PHP version 8.1.19 (fpm-fcgi) Linux
PHP extensions curl dom fileinfo iconv imagick intl json libxml pcre pdo_sqlite zip
Max upload size 8MB
Max PHP memory 4GB
Free disk space 100.91GB
MIME-types of files and quantity
MIME-types of files and sizes
Hostnames and URLs count/size
Hostnames Files Size Redirects 37,112 910.70MB 0 20 780.21kB 0
System update
This tool checks and updates Archivarix CMS, Archivarix Loader to the latest version. If you have manually edited the source code, all changes will be lost. CMS and Loader settings that were set using the Settings menu will not be affected.

Name Version Filename
Archivarix CMS 0.1.220929 archivarix.cms.php
Archivarix Loader 0.1.200406 index.php